/* added RDW 9may09 */ /* added RDW 9may09 */

Friday, May 29, 2009

Terracycle - How Juice Pouches are Turned into Totes and Backpacks

Watch this video to see how terracycle re purposed used Capri sun juice pouches and turns them from waste into totes and other products ... for sale at Target.com

The finished products can be found on-line at Target.com LINK

Terracycle has programs to help groups collect and return juice pouches ... "Sign up for free and collect juice pouches. We will pay $0.02 for all Honest Kids, Capri Sun and Kool Aid Drink Pouches and $0.01 for all other brand drink pouches you collect. You will receive free shipping boxes delivered right to your door."

Via: terracycle LINK


  1. Hi from TerraCycle HQ, and thanks for mentioning our Drink Pouch Brigade! Are you a member of this or other brigades?


  2. Hi -

    I am not a member of the Drink Pouch Brigade. My kids are past the "juice box" stage for the most part. I will let others know about the Brigade!

    Great idea!
