School districts across the US are making the move to biodiesel fuel to augment or replace regular diesel. Among the reasons are less pollutants (CO2, particulates, ...), lessening reliance on imported oil and using more renewable resources.
One of the trade-offs is the increased cost for biodiesel - this is usually offset by grant money. Some districts are staying with biodiesel even after the grant money runs out ...

Below are some school districts that powered by biodiesel:
Medford, New Jersey - " ... began using B20 in 1997. ... fuel has performed well even in temperatures as low as eleven degrees below zero ... a technology that is not capital intensive and can be applied to older units as well as today's vehicles.”
Meridian, Idaho - " ... using up to 125,000 gallons of B20 biodiesel ...working to ... use the fuel other in vehicles. ..."
Warwick, Rhode Island - " ... use various blend levels of biodiesel in their heating boilers in 2001 and 2002. ... starting to use biodiesel in their fleet of 58 school buses. ..."
Campbell and McLean Counties in Kentucky - " ... use B20 in their school buses. ..."
Olympia Illinois "- " ... began using biodiesel (B2) in August 2002 in all 33 of its school buses and about 20 operation and maintenance support vehicles such as lawnmowers, pickup trucks and tractors ... buses travel 4,000 miles a day, or an average of 600,000 miles a year."
Hammond, Indiana - " ... began fueling its school buses with B20 in the 2001 school year under a grant from the Indiana Department of Commerce to pay for the incremental cost increase of the fuel. Although the grant has expired, fleet administrator John Molnar says he continues to use biodiesel because he thinks it’s the right thing to do.
Arlington County, Virginia - " ...using B20 in the county’s 500 diesel-powered vehicles, including 120 school buses, ..."
Via: National Biodiesel Board